Fee Policy

Revised and approved June 2023

1 - Financial Principles

The Holywood Steiner School is a non-profit organisation and annual running costs are covered by fees and fundraising.

The Holywood Steiner School’s financial principles are borne out of a commitment to operate on a balanced income and expenditure budget. The Board of Trustees makes a commitment to ensure that the financial management of the school is sustainable, efficient and effective.

  • Fee information and financial policies and procedures should be clear, fair, and transparent. The Finance Team will ensure that all families have a clear understanding of Financial Policies and Procedures.

  • All families make a full and continuing commitment to meet the cost of their child’s Steiner Waldorf education at the Holywood Steiner School through their acceptance of the school’s Financial Contract.

  • The Finance Team will treat the Financial Contract that each family makes with the School as strictly confidential. Teaching Staff do not have access to Financial Contracts and related information.

2 - School Fees

Each year the Board of Trustees will, as part of the budgeting process, approve the level of school fees proposed during the budgeting process.

The term ‘school fees’ applies to any charge levied by the school in respect of educational and care services provided in our Pre-School (Playgroup), Kindergarten, Lower School, and Upper School.

Fees and charges for Pre-School (Playgroup) are invoiced separately, on a monthly basis, and will be settled promptly.

Parent(s)/ guardians should be aware that examination fees are payable for Upper School children and will be invoiced separately from the school fee.

The Fee Schedule are available from the office or by request to the Finance Team: admin@holywood-steiner.co.uk.

Part year fees will be calculated based on a 43 week (10 month) school year.

3 - Deposit

A deposit of 20% of fees per family is required for all newly registered school age (not pre-school) children before their start date. On leaving the school this deposit is refundable, provided two months’ notice has been given in writing. You will be required to sign for receipt of your returned deposit. In the event of Contract Failure this deposit will be withheld. If additional siblings are admitted at a later date, a further 20% of the additional fees will be required.

Once the offer of a Preschool place has been made and accepted a refundable Preschool deposit of £60 a Non- refundable administration fee of £25 is required within seven days of the date of offer. On leaving Preschool the deposit of £60 is refundable, provided two months’ notice has been given in writing, or the child has completed Preschool. You will be required to sign for receipt of your returned deposit. In the event that fees are outstanding, refund of the deposit will be withheld.

When children do leave the school, parents are asked to consider waiving this refund and instead making it a voluntary donation to the work of the school.

4 - Financial Contract and Payment of Fees

All parents will enter into a written contract with the school regarding the fee to be paid for their children’s Steiner Waldorf education at the time of enrolment and before the agreed date of the pupil’s first attendance. Fees can be paid yearly or termly in advance or by standing order over a period of either 10 or 12 months (September to June/August).

The final due date for all types of fee is the 5th of the month in which they are due.

  • 5th September for annual payments

  • 5th of September, January, and April for fees paid each term

  • 5th of each of the 10 or 12 months for monthly instalments

Parents of attending pupils will be issued with a financial contract for the upcoming academic year. This contract will require parents to commit to a payment plan for the year and return these details to the finance department, no later than the 30th June. A payment schedule will be set up for each family. Using this pre-agreed schedule, the finance team will be able to determine any late payments, and move, as necessary, to the late payment procedure.

Please note: Places in the school will not be secured until the confirmed payment schedule has been signed and returned.

In the event of a child being withdrawn from school two months’ notice is required and fees remain applicable during this period. Families on 12-month credit terms will be liable for the full tuition cost until the end of the notice period. Total feed due, including the 2 months’ notice period, are calculated on a daily basis.

5 - Payment Method

The payment of fees by cheque or cash is not acceptable. The school is exposed to high banking, operational costs and risks when processing cash and cheque payments. Parents are encouraged to pay electronically either by standing order or faster payments directly from their bank.

6 - Late Payment

Failure to pay fees in full by the due date will result in late payment proceedings, these procedures will be stringently adhered to. By reviewing this policy and ensuring payment is set up within the detailed guidelines, late payment and contract failure can be avoided.

If families find themselves in financial hardship and are unable to pay fees within the agreed timeframe, they should, in the first instance contact the Chair of the Board in writing in advance of the payment due date.

7 - Late Payment Procedure

Step 1 If monthly fees have not been received by the due date, credit control will issue an overdue notice for the unpaid fees. There will be a £20 late payment charge issued for each payment due, but not received by the 5th of the month.

Step 2 — Credit Control has authority to enter into a payment plan to settle any outstanding fees.

Step 3 — If fees have not been paid or a formal payment plan agreed by the end of that month, the Finance Team will forward the notice of non-payment to the Trustees Finance Committee.

A notice of non-payment to the Trustees Finance Committee will be considered as a contract failure.

8 - Contract Failure Procedure

Step 4 — A letter will be issued by the Trustees Finance Committee requesting a full payment of fees and arrears within two weeks.

Step 5 — If a full payment has not been received at the end of the two-week period the Trustees Finance Committee will issue a one-month notice for the family to withdraw their children from the school.

Step 6 — Failure to clear any debt to the Holywood Steiner School may result in the school authorising an outside agency or issuing small claims court proceedings to recover unpaid monies. The school will also charge for expenditure incurred during debt recovery.

9 - Payment Plan Procedure

If fees are outstanding Credit Control have the authority to enter into a payment plan to repay the debt.

The payment plan must:

  1. ensure all outstanding fees are cleared by the end of the current academic year.

  2. be agreed in writing.

  3. include agreement that failure to comply with the payment plan will result in the commencement of the contact failure procedure.

The Fee Policy and payment procedures underpin the school’s financial planning. This serves to protect:

  • The child’s right to a thriving and sustainable school environment.

  • The staff’s right to a healthy and secure working environment.

  • The parent’s right to clarity and continuity in planning their children’s education.